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Awards and Penalty

1. Students who follow the disciplines, make rapid progress in studies will be awarded by HDU .

2. Students who disobey the regulations (also including: attendance and scores) of college where he is studying, will be punished with warning, canceling the qualification of final-exam, repeating the courses, even expulsion from HDU.

3. Students who disobey the rules, break the school regulations will be punished. The punishments are graded into six levels: warning, severe warning, demerit-recording, disciplinary probation, academic dismissal, expulsion from HDU.

4. Any students who do anything illegal will be punished both by the Police in accordance with Chinese laws and by HDU in accordance with the university regulations.

5. Once the student receives disciplinary probation, the HDU will not only inform the students himself but his embassy, agency, office or parents.

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